Abstract Data Type: Beginner’s Guide to Know the Structure

Logically the abstract data type or the ADT is a mathematically based model that allows one to see the data. One can apply it regardless of how one can implement it. That means the user should need to stay concerned with the data and not with the construction. The user is actually encapsulating the data by setting such an abstraction standard. Also, the process keeps the data concealed from the sight of the user known as the information concealing. Let’s get into more detail of the abstract data types.

Implementation of abstract data type

You can refer to the abstract data type implementation as the data structure. For its implementation, the user needs to have the physical form of the data. They can garner those with the help of the earlier data types and also with constructive programs. In the meantime, you have to learn to differentiate between these two viewpoints. Thus, this will help you define the intricate models of data without picking any indication of how to develop the model actually.

Therefore by doing this, the user will learn to offer an implantation- autonomous data view. Obviously, you will come across several ways of implementing the data types in the abstract. But with the help of the implantation – autonomous method the user can change the implantation details without switching the way one interacts with the data. Eventually, the user can only stay focused on solving the problem.

Benefits of using abstract data type

Remember any type of good programming method will use the abstraction. Now when you talk about a good program then you have to remember that the program has to be work objective, easy to modify, and simple to go through. In addition to that, the program needs to be efficient reasonably.

In a way, the user can get such a good program. The authentic way that you can use is that follow the abstract data type methods to achieve that. The core of the ADT is that it segregates the concept of specification and implementation very precisely. Now specifications mean the things you are doing to work with and the operations you can carry out on it. On the other hand, the implantation stands for how to implement the thing and the operations.

  • Abstract data types ensure that the code is simple to understand. Precisely incorporates high-end codes and not marred by using the low category codes.
  • You can easily change the ADT implantation without changing the program.
  • The best thing about the Abstract data type is that you can use the same for future programming.

Note that programmers who prefer the object-oriented java always use the ADTS. Remember that each of the ADT belongs to a class. Also, the public technique of the interface or the class defines the operations performed on the ADT. The ADT user needs to have knowledge about the interface method. Talking about the interface method note that you should know about the types, methods name, what the techniques actually do. And no need to know about the original implementation. That means how to implement the method, the private process, data members, etc.

Abstract data type vs. concrete data type

Know why abstract data types are better than concrete data types:

Independence of representation

When a user writes the program, it becomes free in regards to the Abstract data types representation. Therefore one can improve the representation without distorting the whole program.

Functionality separation

With the independence in representation, the parts of various programs do not depend much on the rest of the other parts. In fact, does not take into account how to implement the rest of the other halves.

Parts interchangeability

The abstract data type with distinguished implementation should have various characteristics in regards to performance. With the help of the abstract data types, it gets much simpler for every part of the program to use the data type implementation. It is because it turns out more efficacious for that specific portion of the program.

Classifying the abstract data type based on the way of definition

Imperative way definition

In the context of the imperative programming language, one considers the abstract data type as a mutable element.  It means that it may be in various forms at various times. But there are some types of operations that actually switch the condition of the ADT. Therefore it is important to understand the order of the implementation.

Note that the same type of operation on the similar entities could have a diverse impact when conducted differently. You can take the example of the computer instructions or the procedures or commands of the imperative form of language. To understand this perspective, it is significant to apply or execute the operations instead of evaluating that.  You can use the imperative programming style to elaborate on the algorithms, which are abstract.

Abstract Variables

You need to consider the abstract variables to define the ADT based on the imperative definition. You can also regard that as the simplest form of the ADT, which is not equal to the value zero.  The abstract variables or V is mutable in nature. In addition, you can operate that in two ways:

  • Fetch(V) that gives a value
  • Store (V, X) here the x represents the value that is not specified.

Note that the fetch (V) will always send the X value to the present store (V,x) to operate on a similar variable V.

In several programming languages, you will find that one can write the store ( V, X) as V ← x. On top of that one can apply the fetch (V) to a place where there is a particular requirement of the Value. From the above definition, one can easily understand that the user can store the value to a variable say U, but it does not have any impact on the variable V. In order to understand in an extensive way you can add one constraint as well.

Consider Va and U as different variables, therefore you should follow the sequence like {store (Vy), store (Ux); } is equal to the { store(Ux); store(Vy) }.

Points to remember

  1. From the definition of ADT, you can make out that the change in the operation of one state has no impact on the other state. Until, the ADT creates a link between the two. For instance, one can stretch the abstract variable to incorporate the abstract record. The operator may choose the field from the R record variable that gives a variable V that is a part of the R.
  2. The abstract Variable V actually confines the store value X to the category of the particular set X. And you can call this as the type or range of V. Definitely such limitations are important in the programming languages. It is because it simplifies the evaluation of the algorithm. Also, enhances the readability factor as well.
  3. The above definition does not signify anything related to the result of analyzing the fetch (V). That means when the v is in a dormant state, prior to carrying out the store task on V. In case if, the algorithm does such thing then one can consider it as invalid.

Creation of instances

There are some set of algorithms, which need to develop fresh instances for the ADT. For example, you can take like the new stacks or the variables. In order to describe that type of algorithm one has to pay attention to the definition of abstract data type create () that shows the ADT instances with the principle which is equal to the result create () and is different from any other instances which the algorithm uses.

You can extend the principle to extract the partial extensions with the other instances. You can strengthen the principle to extract the partial aliases with respect to the other examples. On the other hand, the axiom permits to create () to provide the earlier created examples that are not accessible to the program.

You can strengthen the axiom to exclude the partial aliasing with other instances. On the other hand, this axiom still allows implementations of creating () to offer a previously created instance that has become inaccessible to the program.

Example: Stack Abstract

One more important example of the imperative definition of the abstract type is that you can modify the state S with the help of the operation like

  • Push(Sx), where the value of x is not particular.
  • Pop(S) gives the value of the result.

Adding the constraint, you can have:

For any type of value say x and having any type of abstract variable V, the operation follows a sequence say {V ← pop(S) push(Sx) ;} is equal to the V← x.

Note that the V and X cannot change the S state. This situation shows that the V ← pop(S) preserves the S to the situation prior to having the push(Sx). From this situation you can follow the sequence like the Push {(Sy); push(Sx) ;}  ← push(Sz); pop(S); W ← pop(S); V ← pop(S); }

Here the x, y, and the Z have any type of the values while the V, w, and V have distinctive variables. And these are equivalent to the {U ← yV ← zW ← x}

You should remember that the definition of the abstract stack also incorporates the Boolean function as well. That means the a create () and the empty( S) that returns the stack along with the axiom. Such definition turns out true to conditions like the

  • The freshly created stack is different from the earlier stacks.
  • You will find that the new stacks can be empty.
  • If you push any value to the stack then it makes the stack nonempty.

Single instance way:

At times, you can define the Abstract data type based on the presence of a single instance during the operation of any algorithm. For reference, consider the abstract stack on the above could have the defined value like the operations pop () and push(x). Now, this operates on a single stack only. The user can rewrite the definition of the ADT in this pattern to include several coexisting instances.

But there are some other Abstract data types which, you cannot define properly without considering serval instances. Now, in this case, a particular instance can consider two types of instances.

For example, you can consider defining the abstract stack with the operation (S, T). It verifies where the stacks S and T consist of the same type of items in the same arrangement or not.

Functional definition way

Users can define the abstract data type in the other way. In terms of functional programming, consider that each of the forms as a different entity. From this perspective, any type of operation will change the ADT, which got a previous definition based on mathematical structure. On the other hand, the present thought defines it as a segment of the result. In comparison to the imperative, the functional way does not have any kind of side effects. Hence, the order of evaluation is insignificant.

Most importantly, similar operations applied to similar arguments will invariably give a similar output. In the functional, specifically, there is no particular way to state the abstract variable.

Example of the functional abstract stack:

The functional way uses three types of operations and they are the following:

  • Pop takes the state of the stack and gets back to the stack state.
  • Push takes both the arbitrary value and stack situation and retreats to the stack state.
  • The top takes the state of the stack and gives the value as the output.

You will come to know that in the functional- style definition you do not have to look for an operation called “create”. Instead, you can consider the stack state as the single structure of the stack while the two stacks consist of similar values in a similar order which you can consider as identical.

Final thoughts

Thus, Abstract data types are very important in the field of computer science. It is because they are precise and have a superb accuracy level. Hopefully, the above article helped to get clarity.