Advantages of Growing Weed Outdoors – A Complete Guide

Growing Marijuana outside could be tricky, followed by risks. That’s why planters prefer to do it indoors. However, planting weed outside can be possible if you show some dedication, effort and try a little harder to get satisfying results.

Growing weed indoors may seem convenient, but several potential factors need attention. Despite having a fruitful experience in growing this stuff, no planter can control all the variables attached. So, it is preferable to take a chance and grow the weed outside. And save yourself from taking risks that come with indoor harvesting.

Let’s see a complete guide on the advantages of growing cannabis outdoors and why planters should opt for this method in the first place.

Reasons to Grow Marijuana Outdoors

Let’s see five reasons for growing marijuana outdoors.

  1. Environment-friendly

Growing weed indoors means a lot of power consumption because the place needs proper lights, a ventilation system, and much other equipment required in the production process. As a result, it can be hectic and expensive.

However, if you grow weed outdoors, the sun would provide light, fresh air that is also necessary and enough water to guide plants to bloom. It is not only cost-effective but also environmentally-friendly due to the claim of producing zero carbon footprint. It will contribute to saving the planet and your bank accounts.

  1. High-Quality Buds

Thanks to the environmental factors helping you grow weed outdoors, it becomes super-efficient to develop a unique flavor. Sun, soil and natural air influence weed to produce a pleasant aroma. And it would not give the weed lovers a headache but a sense of satisfaction. Also, developing this smell would not be possible if they grow weed indoors.

Moreover, producing high-quality and huge buds are the other main concerns of weed planters. They understand that the low-quality weed would not make the user high and end up in disappointment. So, home growers find it helpful to grow vibrant green buds and play safe.

  1. Incredibly inexpensive and Easy

Among many other advantages of growing weed outdoors, the free sunshine takes more credit. It saves electricity bills and nourishes the plant as growing requires the entire photosynthesis process. Fresh, natural air, and rainwater are other free rewards by nature that help grow weed plants effortlessly.

Furthermore, you do not have to be experienced enough to grow weed plants. Good cultivating seeds, a little care, and a good guide are enough to germinate them. Besides, they will spread out by themselves and make their population. Hence, you will be getting more by putting less or no effort.

  1. Larger Cannabis Yields

Growing weed outdoors means high yield and massive buds. Again, the large enough space and sun combine and allow weed plants to grow higher with larger leaves. And, when there are big leaves, it means the plant has enough energy for developing high-quality buds.

Let’s do some math. Assume things are going smoothly and the germination has started. You have a reliable location with fruitful soil, and the weed plant grows at a maximum of 180cm. So, with that size, there will be around 500g of dried buds, eventually producing a large amount of weed. If any planter successfully grows at least seven weed plants, it should provide yearly supplies. This way, you can sell the raw weed and pharmacies as this type of marijuana is beneficial in making certain drugs.

  1. Safe for the Producer

Getting into producing cannabis business can be dangerous, which is the primary reason why the indoor cultivation system began. However, if the planter is lucky enough to find a safe location to grow weed, it would be beneficial for both parties. The growers would not have to invest effort and money, and the atmosphere also nourishes the plants.

In addition, growing weed outdoors is safe in terms of place ownership. We do always suggest checking whether growing cannabis is legal in your state or not, even if you reside in a recreational state. For example, in New York, where recreational marijuana is legal, cultivation of it is currently not allowed until regulations governing home cultivation of cannabis have been issued. This applies to residents who also have a New York medical cannabis card. So again, please be sure to double-check the cultivation laws in your state.

Growing any plant requires skills and patience, but you could do it inexpensively. These reasons will persuade you to grow weed outdoors effortlessly. It can be relaxing, effortless, cheap, and you can relax while they develop. Also, if you go outdoors for this purpose, the chance of being caught decreases. So, it should be fun growing weed outdoors, but of course, you should keep patience.

It is evident that growing weed outdoors is beneficial for producers as well as for plants. You can refer to this article to guide yourself and learn all the advantages associated with it. Besides, it being easy, relaxing, and inexpensive is enough to convince you.

However, gardening skills and a bit of patience are a must in this business. And, if you get past all the hardships, the success will be worthwhile.