5 Best Free GIF Apps to use on Android Devices in 2021

Nowadays, social media has been a part of our life. We do many things on different social media platforms. There are social media platforms like Facebook and Whatsapp are available that helps us to connect with our friends and family. However, nowadays, the trend of sending text messages on social media is decreasing. Instead, people are preferring GIF and Emojis to express their feeling. This way, people express their feelings without typing a long text message. So, in this guide, we’ll share some of the best GIF Apps that you can use on your Android device.

There are many emoji keyboard apps are available that helps you to send emojis. But, there are very few good GIF apps are available for Android smartphones and tablets. And below, we have described some of the best of them. So, you can get these apps on your Android smartphone or tablet, and send your favorite GIF to your contacts on social media platforms. It could be a film scene GIF, or it could be meme. On these platforms, you’ll find various GIF that you can send. So, just send them to your contacts, express your feelings. The apps that I have described below are free to download and use.

Top 5 Best GIF Apps for Android in 2021

1. Tenor GIF Keyboard

Best GIF Apps for Android

If you want to get access to hundreds of different GIF on your device, you can download tye Tenor GIF Keyboard app on your device. Tenor GIF Keyboard is a free GIF app for Android smartphones and tablets. On this app, you’ll find various GIF that you can send to your contacts easily without any issues.

You’ll find different GIF, specially memes on this GIF app. You can also search for a particular GIF and then use it on the Tenor GIF Keyboard app easily. There’s option to send the GIF directly to your social media platforms like Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp. Alternatively, you can save the GIF in the gallery of your device, and use it later anytime you want. Tenor GIF keyboard app is completely free to download and use on your Android device.


GIPHY is one of the most popular GIF maker apps that you can download for your Android smartphones and tablets. It is like a dedicated social media platform for GIF. So, you can just install this GIF app on your device, and discover various types of GIF using it. GIPHY has the collection of thousands of different GIF. And you can send them to your contacts anytime you want.

However, unlike other regular GIF apps, you can create your own GIF using this app. It helps you to create your own GIF from a video on your Android smartphone or tablet. You can also search for your favourite GIF in the app, and use it. There are options to share the GIF on all social media platforms including Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Snapchat etc. So, you can use them GIF anytime you want with the GIPHY app.

3. GIF Maker

Best GIF Apps for Android

GIF Maker is another good app that you can use to make GIF on your Android smartphones and tablets. You can create your own GIF, customize it and send to your social media profiles using the GIF maker app on your Android device. It helps you to create customize GIF on your device. So, if you just want an GIF maker app that’ll help you to make GIF on your device, you can use GIF Maker app on your Android smartphone or tablet.

You can not only just create, but you can also import different GIF from platforms like GIPHY and edit them with the GIF maker app. It also has the feature to edit GIF on your Android smartphone or tablet. If you want to create your own GIF, you can add a video to the GIF maker, and cut, crop it to make theĀ  GIF easily on your Android device.

4. Imgur

Imgur is a popular image sharing platform. However, on this platform, you’ll get various GIF as well. Imgur has a collection of various GIF that you can send to your contacts on social media platforms. You can get various types of GIF including memes and funny GIF and send them to your contacts. Also, it’s free to get GIF from this platform on your Android smartphone or tablet.

You can search for your favorite GIF as well on this platform. Imgur app is available for Android smartphones and tablets. So, you can just download the app on your device, and discover different GIF easily on this platform. If you have created a GIF, then you can also share it on the Imgur platform. Overll, it is one of the best GIF apps that you can get on your Android smartphone or tablet.

5. GIFs

Best GIF Apps for Android

Last, but not the least GIF app in our list is the GIFs app. It is another good GIF app that you can use on your Android device, and send GIF on your social media platforms. This app also has a collection of different GIF that you can send to your contacts. So, you can use GIFs app on your Android smartphone or tablet, and send different GIF to your contacts easily using the app.

There are search option available on this app that you can use to search for your favorite GIF. You’ll also get different GIF category on the platform. So, you can browse the GIF from the categories and find your favorite GIF easily. After you find your favorite GIF, you can share it via different social media platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp etc on your device. So, GIFs is another good GIF app that you can get for your Android device.

Final Words

So, guys, I hope you have found this guide helpful. Above, we have described the best GIF apps that you can get for your Android smartphone or tablet. You can use the share buttons below to share this post on your social media platforms. If you have any question or queries, you can ask them in the comment section below. You can also provide your feedback in the comment section.