Epilepsy Treatment Centers

Epilepsy is a medical condition that requires special attention from doctors. Epilepsy seizures can start at any time, creating a traumatic situation for the patient. Unfortunately, due to the lack of experienced healthcare professionals in many countries, patients often can not get a highly qualified medical consultation and treatment. However, this can be done in modern epilepsy treatment centers abroad. Doctors here have extensive experience in epilepsy treatment. With the modern equipment, they provide patients with examinations and treatment at the state-of-the-art level. The most progressive country in the treatment of epilepsy today is Germany.

Making the diagnosis

The complexity of diagnosing epilepsy is connected with the fact that scientists distinguish about 40 forms of the pathology and many types of epileptic seizures. Thus, each case of epilepsy requires an individual treatment option for each patient. For a more in-depth diagnosis of epilepsy, foreign epilepsy centers use many methods.

One of the mandatory diagnostic options is a neurological examination. The physician evaluates speech, concentration, eye movements, and hand tremors. In addition, he checks reflexes and tests cognitive functions.

To assess the patient’s condition in more detail, healthcare professionals use electroencephalography (EEG). EEG directly demonstrates the electrical activity of the brain. Abnormal pulses will be perfectly visible during the study. The most informative type of EEG is video monitoring, during which an EEG is conducted 24 hours, and its results are video-recorded for further analysis.

Cutting-edge treatment options

Based on the clinical examination and results of instrumental tests, the most appropriate treatment scheme is elaborated for each patient individually. Modern epilepsy treatment centers use both medical and surgical methods.

Medication treatment includes the lifelong use of antiepileptic drugs. Patients should follow a daily regimen and avoid seizure provoking factors, such as alcohol consumption, sleep disturbances, and physical exertion. Antiepileptic drugs are selected based on the type and nature of epileptic seizures. If the medication does not work, the doctor will replace it with another medication that will improve the patient’s quality of life.

If it is determined that epilepsy develops due to pathological activity of a certain brain area, that area can be removed surgically. This method provides a complete cure for epilepsy. Neurosurgical interventions must be extremely precise since every millimeter of brain tissue is responsible for many body functions. In modern hospitals, interventions are performed using the Visualase neurosurgical system, which improves the precision of the surgery significantly.

Treatment of epilepsy during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

Despite the pandemic, Germany still has epilepsy centers that offer treatment. They use innovative treatment methods that are available to every patient in the country. However, because of the lockdown, many patients experience difficulties with undergoing treatment abroad.

The medical tourism operator Booking Health helps to arrange medical programs abroad during the pandemic of COVID and epilepsy emergencies. Currently, this is the only way to undergo treatment in developed countries with entrance restrictions. The specialists of Booking Health will provide you with assistance in visa issuing, receiving entrance permission, booking accommodation, etc.

How to save money on treatment abroad?

With the medical tourism operator Booking Health, you can forget about the huge prices for treatment abroad. Now, you can save up to 60% of the cost of treatment due to the absence of additional fees for foreign patients,as Booking Health cooperates directly with a huge number of the leading foreign hospitals.

In addition to affordable treatment prices, with Booking Health you will get a huge number of benefits that will make your medical trip convenient and safe. The company’s specialists will help you to choose the appropriate hospital, establish contact with your physician, as well as provide you with the services of a personal interpreter and round-the-clock support.