How Can You Prevent Burn Injuries? 

Burns can be measured from minor to extreme. They are labeled as first, second, or third-degree burns. If you or a loved one has sustained a burn injury, there are a few steps that can get the compensation deserved in the accident or negligence of another party. The first step is naturally to get medical attention immediately. Burns can cause extensive damage to the skin and body from infections to death. The scary part of the matter is it can happen at any location and at any given time. A burn injury is something that is never planned but can happen to anyone. Let’s see how you can prevent burn injuries.

There is a multitude to cover in personal injury cases dealing with burns. Once the medical portion is taken care of, speaking with a personal injury lawyer should be the next steps to follow. They will review all angles from what happened to the long-term effects of the burn injury. 

Types of Burn Injuries 

There are different types of burns that a person may come in contact with either at work or at home. Listed below are the different ways a person may get burned. Each section will cover the details of what may happen and how to seek prevention from each.  

  • Friction by something against the skin
  • The sun’s rays or sunburn
  • Radiation or chemical burns
  • Electrical burns
  • Contact with hot objects or liquids
  • Contact with a flame

Friction By Something Against the Skin

This type of burn can be related to what we all know as “carpet burn.” These burns seldom cause bleeding but can tear the top layer of the flesh, leaving a burning sensation on the area. Most of these burns are caused due to falls and usually happen around the joint areas of the knees or elbows. It is common for the arms, legs, face, or other body parts to receive these friction burns. They are not life-threatening but may cause a person to lose wages and receive emergency room treatment. If negligence occurred to cause the injuries, a personal injury attorney could sort out the facts to see if legal action may be taken.

How to Avoid Friction Burns 

A few measures can be taken to lessen the negligence. Placing signs or tape of warnings where falls may occur is the best way to let people know danger is near. To avoid honest accidents, people should be aware of their surroundings and not walk with cell phones or other distractions. Simply put, being careful. 


Sunburns happen to people who are in direct sunlight for an extended period. Some may burn in as little as five minutes, but most extreme burns can occur starting 15 to 30 minutes of direct exposure from the sun. These cases would be difficult to proceed in finding negligence. However, some examples may arise when an employer has a worker out in the direct sunlight for too long. These cases may fall under the OSHA laws. Perhaps adequate break times may not have been given. Labor and safety laws are broken in these instances, and the employer is solely responsible for the employee’s injuries. 

Avoiding Sunburns 

This is where the employer will have to be responsible for the worker and the worker knowing their limits. There should be supervisor or safety personnel overseeing the project.  

Wearing proper clothing to prevent the sun’s rays from contacting the skin is another way of prevention. Negligence will fall on the company if they do not follow the proper procedures for safety and care for their workers. It can get tricky because there are some jobs where a worker should know the risks involved in their daily performances. 

Radiation and Chemical Burns  

These burns are common in chemical plants where radiation may be used or dealt with in the work environment. Damaged valves or tanks may cause radiation or chemicals to escape. If the person is nearby, they may get an unwanted dose of radiation or chemicals, causing the burn. 

Preventing Radiation and Chemical Burns

The only way to prevent a person from receiving radiation burns is to wear their PPE. They must also be made aware of the contents and volume of radiation they are working nearby. Knowledge, awareness, and safety are everything.

Electrical Burns

In the work field, electrical burns are found mainly in the construction field. If it is a home or a place of business, a person may contact an exposed electrical wire. It can be an open and shut case due to the code violations that are broken. 

Preventing Electrical Burns 

The best way to prevent electrical burns is through maintenance and inspections. Having someone who can check wires and outlets from time to time is a wise step to safety. If an area is noticed with danger, lockout, and tag-outs or close the site with signs of danger is needed in these situations. 

Contact with Hot Objects or Liquids

Burning oneself with hot objects or liquids is usually found in kitchens or restaurants. Hundreds if not thousands of people are burned through hot grease or touching stoves or pots on accident. 

Avoiding Burns Through Hot Objects or Liquids

The best way to avoid getting burned in this manner is by being safe, careful, and aware of all surroundings. Many of these burns are accidents and seldom negligence. However, if it happens in a place of business, Worker’s Comp should cover the injuries. 

Contact with a Flame

This situation can happen almost anywhere, home, automobile, kitchen, or campfire, to name a few. Examples of negligence would be in a home or automobile fire. A landlord or manufacturer may be held responsible if negligence is found.

Avoiding Flames 

Maintenance and upkeeps can help prevent fires in the home. Smoke detectors will also save lives. For automobiles, a person may be burned through an accident where the vehicle catches fire, or a part on the vehicle may be defective. Being aware and careful can help prevent burns from these types of flames.