How to Increase Serotonin Naturally Without the Use of Drugs?

How to Increase Serotonin Naturally Without the Use of Drugs? For those unaware, serotonin is one of the reliable neurotransmitters for uplifting one’s mood and digestive issues. It helps you have a sound sleep, better your appetite, and improve your memory too.

When you are low on serotonin, you face issues like:

  • Being impulsive
  • Not having a good amount of sleep
  • Feel irritated and lost
  • Going through unending episodes of digestion issues
  • Cravings for sweet and carbohydrate food items

Thus, in this blog, we give you the best tips when you want to know how to increase serotonin naturally. When you read these tips, you won’t be dependent on any drug or other medication anymore. It can genuinely increase in your body when you take care and apply those below-mentioned tips sincerely.

Exercise regularly:

When you exercise, tryptophan releases in your blood easily. And this tryptophan later gets converted into serotonin. This is necessary for the body to convert so that this mood uplifter chemical can reach our brain easily. And as the Serotonin level increases in your brain and body, the level of depression somehow decreases. This way, you grow to be proactive or at least much more active than before.

And by exercising, we do not want you to indulge in heavy weight-lifting exercises at once. If you do not have a habit of exercising, start with brisk walks, sprinting, running, jumping, dancing, swimming, and more. These are quite regular activities that you would love to perform.

Stay in the bright and natural light more:

There have been multiple research and scientific studies on how the human body can produce serotonin. For that, you have to stay a little longer in natural light, that is, the sunlight.

You should spend at least 20-60 minutes per day in broad daylight. However, it’s too hot outside, don’t forget to use sunscreen in advance.

Try going for massage therapy:

There is no doubt that you feel so relaxed, pampered, and loved when you go for a body massage. This can also be when you are in a Sauna or Fish spa. This happens only because the masseuse knows how to press the pressure points of your body. When these people pressure those points, it’s the best way to activate your body to release dopamine and serotonin.

A study also has proven that women should go for a massage at least twice a week. Other than that, you can also try to exchange massage exercises with your partner, family member, or friends. This way, you both end up getting the desired amount of happiness quotient you want in life.

Eat superfoods:

Food items like eggs, turkey, cheese, pineapples, salmon, and nuts help your body and brain get the necessary serotonin. While researching how to increase serotonin naturally, this is the easiest way to educate yourself with.

These superfoods have been under the microscopic view of multiple researchers and scientists around the world. Therefore, you can find multiple studies regarding these food items releasing tryptophan in your body within minutes or hours of their consumption.

Moreover, these food items are easy to purchase from your neighborhood. Many of them, like eggs, cheese, and nuts, are available online or in the grocery shops of your locality.