Know Some of the Most Common Mental Health Disorders

Mental health conditions are a lot more common than most people may realize. Although the conversation has significantly opened up in the last decade about this once-taboo subject, there’s still quite a long way to go in terms of truly removing the stigma associated with it.

More than being mere buzzwords, however, mental health conditions have severe repercussions, not only on the individual suffering from it, but also the people around them, whether family, circle of friends, or colleagues.

To take the first step in understanding what mental health disorders are truly about, here are some quick definitions of some of the most common types afflicting most people.

Anxiety Disorder

Feeling anxious is normal. It’s when the feeling becomes so overwhelming, to the point that the individual freezes up, even in what ought to be normal or non-stressful events, that is problematic. It is so common a disorder that as many as 40 million Americans aged 18 and above are known to have it.

Anxiety Disorder has several other more specific subtypes, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Panic Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Social Anxiety Disorder.

Anxiety disorders are usually triggered by a particular event, and can be recurring unless this trigger is dealt with at its roots. A bout of anxiety disorder may occur for at least six months or more.

Bipolar Disorder

This is a type of mood disorder that is characterized by extreme mood swings and behavior, as well as manic episodes. The changes in the mood may involve a sudden drop in energy, interest in socialization, extreme sadness. On the other hand, it may also manifest as extreme happiness and hyperactivity.

These drastic changes in situations can be terrifying for someone who does not understand what’s going on with them. It can also be confusing and exhausting for those close to them. Diagnosis of bipolar disorder usually involves a thorough assessment of moods and behaviors, as well as close observation of the same through charting methods to see any patterns in mood fluctuations recorded.


Being clinically depressed is not just the usual bout of sadness or loneliness. Otherwise known as Unipolar or Major Depressive Disorder, it is characterized by a persistent feeling of sadness and pervading disinterest.

Underneath this umbrella of disorders are several other types of depression, including melancholic depression, postpartum depression, catatonic depression, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Depression can be treated using a variety of approaches, from antidepressant medications to psychotherapy, and others.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are not just about a person’s eating habits, but more importantly, the way they perceive themselves in relation to their physicality, particularly their weight. This, in turn, is what’s manifested in their relationship with food.

There are many different kinds of eating disorders, but some of the most popular ones are anorexia nervosa or the extreme inhibiting of food intake; bulimia nervosa, which involves eating and then purging, and binge eating, which involve features a massive intake of food in a short amount of time following a prolonged abstention.

Psychotic Disorders

Psychotic disorders feature a distorted view of reality, making it difficult for the individual to distinguish which event is true versus which is made up in their minds. Hallucination becomes a critical component in this case, because it can give rise to false experiences that can feel very real to the person.

It is this inability to determine what is real from what is not, that’s dangerous about this situation. It can severely twist their perceptions and beliefs of what’s going on in their hallucinations, and then be spurred to take drastic actions in reality, which may prove dangerous or harmful to them and those around them.

Because of the complexity of these conditions, it is highly recommended that professional help be sought as soon as possible. Wellness facilities like Villa San Miguel Detox & Wellness ( are institutions that can provide the help needed to address mental health issues safely and effectively.