Problems Faced by First Time Shopify Users

Do you own an independent store for your business? It’s a dream of every merchant to own a store physically or digitally to expand their business. Here are the list of the Problems Faced by First Time Shopify Users.

No doubt, the 21st century is a digital era, and it’s important to have a digital appearance in the market if your dream is big. However, the challenging part is choosing from the wide range of e-commerce platforms available in the digital market. 

There are certain challenges Shopify users face as a result of a lack of knowledge or experience on Shopify stores. That is why services like MakeBeCool are available to help customers tackle problems smartly. 

Are you new to Shopify and facing issues in establishing your store? You may relate to the problems below or understand what kind of issues novice merchants have to overcome 

Common Problems First Time Users Have on Shopify

Shopify is an international e-commerce platform used by millions of people to expand their business and mark their digital presence worldwide. First-time users often get disheartened when they have to face an issue or two in the beginning. Experts advise beginners to make use of the Shopify Support Services to tackle technical or general issues.

ERP System

If you need a Shopify integration system with an ERP, it means your business is flourishing, and orders are pouring, which is good news. The main reasons you need the service for ERP integration system are:

  • Overload suppliers challenging to manage
  • Manual tasking and unsatisfactory employee productivity
  • Products late shipping
  • Wrong shipment result of poor management
  • Managing multiple B2B customer relationship 

Displaying Product

Knew of the hardest challenges newbies face when setting up a store in Shopify is to list their products on the store. You have to list all the products with precise deceptions and categories carefully. The easiest solution for this problem is to benefit from services like MakeBeCool that help you display products the way your customers expect.


Many merchants use multiple channels and link them with Shopify to progress their business. Expanding your business is a good sign, but it also comes with specific challenges, making it stressful for business owners. It’s better to use Shopify Support Services to see your customer better than to overcome hurdles blindly. When managing multiple stores, the primary problems merchants face are: 

  • Managing multiple accounts for orders, data, and items inventory
  • Answering customer questions
  • Decimating inventories of stores when selling similar products.

Generating Traffic

Newbies setting up their e-store for the first time often face issues in finding customers. It’s difficult for novice users to generate traffic for their entities. However, professionals offer their expertise and advice newbies to:

  • Try out the right marketing strategies for products
  • Join high rated marketplaces that raise numbers
  • Take advantage of MakeBeCool services to generate traffic
  • Optimize stores to draw customers attention

Negative Sale

As a new business owner, you should know that huge traffic is not equal to massive sales. Attracting the right customer towards your product is a common problem for newbies, and it takes hardworking and creative strategies to convert prospects into valuable customers.

A simple solution to this issue is:

  • Creating innovative ad campaigns
  • Sharing positive reviews and customer experience
  • Special Offers

What Shopify Users Look for?

New Shopify users face some struggles initially, and there are some services or reports users always expect from the marketplace. It includes:

  • Providing detailed information including actionable insights of store’s growth
  • Integrations with the Google Analytics
  • Pocket/Pocket Friendly
  • User-Friendly Dashboard 

For every problem users are facing, there are solutions available in the market; either you opt for MakeBeCool services or explore other options.