5 Signs of High Intelligence

Being able to assess a person’s intelligence is quite a useful skill. If you are asking for advice, conducting a job interview or just communicating, it is important to understand who your interlocutor is. There are no universal ways to assess someone else’s intelligence, but there are signs to look out for. There are five signs of high intelligence that distinguish intellectuals from the rest

H2 They are rational

When hiring a job, a job seeker often looks at the candidate’s intellectual ability. However, there is an interesting way to understand how a person acts in unforeseen situations: to do this, they ask a question to which the job seeker does not know the answer, and then watch his reaction. If he admits that he doesn’t know the answer, that’s a good sign. 

This behavior is a sign of intellectual humility, which indicates good decision-making abilities. There are many research paper topics confirming this fact. People with this quality are critical of conclusions based on someone else’s reasoning. For example, instead of saying, “That’s definitely true!” they will say, “From what I’ve seen, it could be true.” They are open to criticism, different points of view, and put truth before their ego.

H2 They know more than science

Cunning and savvy also indicates high intelligence. Researchers at Yale University found that everyday savvy is just as important to employees as their academic ability. That is, a student with mediocre grades who shows resourcefulness in life situations will be able to do better in the future.

H2 They are immersed in themselves

Intellectually advanced people often demonstrate self-awareness. They analyze their own thought process and question their own nature. They know when and how they work best. Not surprisingly, people with high self-knowledge are often excellent learners and collaborators. They use their self-reflective abilities to their advantage.

H2 They are curious

Intelligent people are inherently curious. They are eager to learn more, to delve into details simply for the sake of gaining more knowledge.

Curiosity is also an indicator of intelligence in other animals. For example, there was a study involving three language-trained chimpanzees that required the primates to use a keyboard to name a treat. When the food was visible, they simply pressed a button and got the food. But when the food was hidden in containers, the more intelligent chimpanzees tried to look inside before giving an answer. That is, they understood that if they knew more information, their chances of winning would increase.

This experiment proves how important it is to gain knowledge. Accordingly, its results apply to humans as well. Intellectual skills are directly proportional to the ability to patiently learn and troubleshoot problems.

H2 They make it easier to solve big problems 

Intellectually advanced people tend to be able to simplify complex problems and solve them. This skill is often genetic. People themselves are not aware of exactly what they are doing to do this. For example, some people have to put in more effort to achieve the same results. However, anyone can adopt this technique.

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