5 Tools to Write Instagram Caption That Sell

Instagram is a popular social media platform because it allows you to interact with people through visual media. Images and videos are trending today because they depict situations better than words ever will.

To stand out on Instagram, you need to learn how to write captivating captions. This is because, even though the platform is mainly for posting pictures, you need words to describe what the picture is about. As a social media user with a large following, ensure your captions are on point. If you need a boost for your Instagram following, SidesMedia can help you do that.

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1. Know your Audience

When it comes to social media platforms, ensure you know your audience for optimum results. For Instagram captions, target the people you hope will be interested in your images and photos.

There are billions of Instagram users, and they all can’t be interested in your brand. Create a target customer profile and use it to tailor your captions. Remember, people in all income brackets use this platform, which means that your captions should not discriminate against anyone.

Another fact about Instagram is that more women than men are on this platform. This means your captions should gravitate more to women because they make a larger percentage of your audience. Understanding the demographics ensure you write captions that related to everyone that comes across your posts.

2. Make the Caption Short

Like Twitter, Instagram is not meant for long captions. When you post a self-explanatory image, use a short caption that engages the audience. In could be a question that prompts people to comment down below. Call to actions of you’re selling products also increases sales.

For the entire caption to display, without people having to press ‘read more,’ use 125 characters or less. Remember, people, scroll very fast through their feed because there’s so much to see.

Not many stays for too long on Instagram because there isn’t a lot of reading is involved. If your caption is long and irrelevant, they won’t read it at all.

3. Sell a Lifestyle

The people that have a large following on Instagram are those that control their narrative. You need to sell a lifestyle that people would like to buy into. If you’re selling products, ensure people understand what you’re bringing to the table.

Post pictures that entice the audience to want your products. This is where you make use of customer-generated content to sell a lifestyle. When people see how others are using your products, they realize the usefulness of what you sell.

Using customer-generated content not only gets you more customers, but it also shows appreciation for customers who choose you over other brands. Reposting a customer’s post gives them a sense of belonging.

4. Select your Words Carefully

As you write a caption, you need to begin with the most important information. If you choose your words carefully, customers will most likely read the entire caption no matter how long it is. Ensure that every word you use contributes to the caption’s overall message. Take your time with these captions because they’re like your call to action.

5. Always Edit your Captions

Edit and rewrite your captions until you get them to write. Remember, your aim is to encourage sales. Take your time with each caption and ensure it communicates the right message. Ensure there are no gray areas in your caption. It should be as clear and straightforward as possible.

Use correct grammar and ensure your sentence structure is correct. The last thing you want is for people to correct your grammar as they read your captions.

Another thing is not to overuse emojis. Even though they bring emotion into the picture, too many emojis used on one caption make your caption look encrypted. Not everyone understands what every emoji means. Just one or two emojis are enough.


Instagram is an excellent platform to showcase your products and services. Even though it’s a picture and video-based platform, ensure you take your time with the captions.