Top 7 Best Folder Lock Apps for Android Devices to Use in 2020

Want to lock different folders on Android? If yes, then you just have come to the right place. By default, there are no options to lock folders on Android smartphones and tablets. Although some File Manager Apps offers free folder locking, there are very few of them available. So, if you want to get a 3rd party folder locking app on your Android device, then you can choose from the link below. Below, we have suggested some of the best folder lock apps for Android, that’ll help you to lock different folders on Android devices.

You can lock any folder on Android using these folder lock apps. These are entirely free to use app that you can use to secure the folders on Android. However, if you are already using an Applock app on your Android device, there’s a chance that it already has a folder locking feature. But if it hasn’t any folder locking feature, just download any app from the list below, and you’ll be able to lock different folders on your Android smartphone or tablet. Folder locking is an essential feature that helps you to protect your privacy and hide files or folders on your Android device. You can just use a folder locking app to hide any particular files or folder from anyone.

Best Folder Lock Apps in 2020

Android smartphones are beneficial in our daily life. With an Android smartphone, you can do many things like listening to your favourite music, watching videos, sharing photos on social media, etc. When it comes to entertainment, Android gives you many options. However, there are two ways to listen to your favourite song or watch your favourite video on Android. You can either watch them online, or you can store video and audio files in the storage of your device and watch them in offline mode.

As Android comes with its own internal storage, and you can use an external SD card on your device, you can store anything you want in both internal and external storage of your Android device. However, one thing that most of the Android device lack is a feature to lock files and folders on your Android device. Although some Android manufacturers are giving their own folder lock option, on many devices, this feature is not present. So, it gets complicated for the users to hide a folder or file on Android devices.

Suppose you have a classified document, photo, or video on your Android device. And you want that anyone except you finds the file. In that case, you can simply use a folder lock app on your Android device to lock a particular file or folder. Folder lock apps help you to secure a folder or file with a password, pattern, or fingerprint. So that no one except you can open the folder on your Android device. But choosing the right app to lock the folders is not easy. That’s why we have suggested some of them below. We have described the features of the apps below. So, you can go through the features and choose the right folder lock app for your Android device.

Now, without talking about anything, let’s get into the list. Along with the feature and details of the apps, we have also provided the download link to download the apps on your Android device. So, you can just download one of these folder lock apps on your Android device, and lock any folder in both internal and external storage of your Android device. After locking the folders or files, only you’ll be able to open it on your Android device.

Top 7 Best Folder Lock Apps for Android

1. Folder Lock by NewSoftwares LLC

Best Folder Lock Apps for Android

The first app on our list is named itself folder lock. And it is probably the most popular folder locking app for Android. This software gives the option to lock photos, videos, documents, contacts, wallets, notes, etc. on your Android device. If you want a dedicated folder locking app, then you can surely get this app on your Android smartphone or tablet. This app has over 5 Million+ downloads on the Google Play Store. And has an average of 4.4* ratings from the users.

It supports almost any file extension that you can hide using this app on your device. But, along with folder locking, it also has an app locking feature. So, you can lock different apps like galleries, video players, etc. on your Android device and protect your privacy. So, when you install it on your device, you don’t need an applocking app separately. It also has a decoy mode and panic switch feature that’ll help you to protect your privacy. As it has contact and applocking feature along with folder locking, we can surely call it one of the best folder lock apps for Android devices.

2. Gallery Vault

Gallery Vault is another popular folder lock app for Android devices. Among all the folder lock apps, Gallery Vault has more features. Hence it has been the favourite folder locking app among Android users. There are many privacy options available on this app that you can use. If you don’t want anyone to see your images, videos, documents or other files, you can lock them using the Gallery Vault app on your Android device. Gallery Vault has over 10 Million+ downloads on the Google Play Store and has an average of 4.6* ratings from the users.

Gallery Vault can hide the icon of this app itself so that no one founds that it is installed on your device. When you want to lock a file or folder using this app, it automatically encrypts the files. You can use a passcode or fingerprint or pattern lock to lock the files on your device. But, one of the most exciting features of this app is, you can set a fake passcode option on this app. When you enter the fake passcode, it’ll display fake contents in the app. So, the original files or folders will be protected. Overall, Gallery Vault is an advanced folder lock app for Android devices. And you can surely get it on your device.

3. Calculator Lock

Best Folder Lock Apps for Android

Imagine locking your personal files or folders in a calculator app on your Android device. Seems interesting right? Well, CFalculator Lock app is the app that you can use to lock photos and videos on your Android device. However, unlike other apps, it shows as a calculator app in the app drawer of your device. By doing this, you can lock your personal photos and videos behind a calculator app, and no one will be able to find them. Calculator Lock app has over 10 Million+ downloads on the Google Play Store and has an average of 4.6* ratings from the users.

This app is one of the most highly rated folder lock apps on the Play Store. When you install it on your device, it’ll simply work as a calculator app. But, when you open the main feature, you can lock your photos and videos on your Android device using this app. There are differnt features like break-in alert, multiple fake accounts, built-in image and video player etc. feature are available on this app. And that makes it one of the best folder lock apps for Android devices.

4. Applock

Although the main feature of the Applock app is to lock differnt apps on your Android device, it has the option to lock photos and videos on Android as well. The reason why we are including this app on our list is, many user has the applock app installed on their devices. However, most of them probably don’t know about the photo and video locking feature of this app. Using this feature, you can lock any photo or video on your Android device. Applock is a popular applocking app. It has over 100 Million+ downloads on the Google Play Store and has an average of 4.3* ratings from the users.

If you already have Applock on your Android device, then you don’t have to get a folder lock app separately. Because it can lock your classified photos and videos, you can easily lock them in the app. Also, Applock is completely free to download and use. So, you don’t have to spend a single penny to download or use this app on your Android device. Applock is also easy to use. So, won’t face any problem while locking apps or photos or videos using this app.

5. LockMyPix

Best Folder Lock Apps for Android

The next folder lock app on our list is the lockmypix app. Lockmypix is a free folder lock app that you can use to hide photos and videos on your Android device. You can lock the photos and videos with differnt methods like PIN, Facelock, Fingerprint, Password, or pattern. Lockmypix has many advanced locking features that’ll help you to lock the photos and videos. This app uses military-grade AES encryption to lock the files on your Android device. Lockmypix has over 5 Million+ downloads on the Google Play Store and has an average of 4.6* ratings from the users.

The only con about this app is, it has some in-app purchases. Although it’s completely free to lock the photos and videos on this app, there are some features that you have to pay for. Features like Face unlock and fake vault are only available in the pro version of this app. So, if you want to get these features for free, you can try using other apps that offer these features for free. Lockmypix also has a user-friendly interface that’ll help you to lock the photos and videos. Overall, it is a good folder locking app with some limited features in the free version.

6. Keepsafe Photo Vault

Best Folder Lock Apps for Android

Keepsafe vault is one of the most popular photos and video locking app for Android. This app has some awesome features that’ll help you to lock and hide your private photos and videos. You can use it to lock differnt personal photos like ID cards, personal photos etc. Keepsafe is one of the best vault apps that you can get on your Android device. This app has over 50 Million+ downloads on the Google Play Store and has an average of 4.3* ratings from the users.

You can lock all your photos and videos with Fingerprint or PIN using this app. Keepsafe also encrypts the photos and videos that you lock utilising this app. Just like the previous app, Keepsafe also offers some exclusive features in the premium version. You’ll get features like Album lock, Fake PIN, Break in alerts etc. in the premium version of Keepsafe. But the free version of this app is useful too as it offers some awesome features on your device. One exclusive feature that you get with this app is, you get cloud storage with this app to store your photos and videos. You can store your photos and videos in the cloud backup so that you can recover them later.

7. FileSafe

Last, but not the least folder locking app on our list is the Filesafe app. If you want a simple and straightforward folder locking app for Android, you can get this app on your device. Filesafe is a free folder locking app for Android that you can use to lock folders and files on your device. Along with locking media files like photos and videos, you can also lock a complete folder on this app.

Compared to other apps on our list, Filesafe isn’t that popular. It has over 500K+ downloads on the Google Play Store and has an average of 4.1* ratings from the users. Filesafe is completely free to use app that helps you to lock media files and folders on your Android device. The easy interface of this app will help you to lock folders easily on your smartphone or tablet.

Final Words

So, guys, I hope you liked this guide. If you liked, you can share this post on your social media platforms and tell your friends about these folder lock apps. Just use the share buttons below to share this post. If you have any question or queries, just comment down in the comment section below, and we’ll try to solve your issue.