Top apps for your child online and mobile safety

apps for your child

This is a very different world from what we grew up in. The kids of today have far more access to information and communication channels than humankind ever has in its history. This makes it even more imperative for parents to keep an eye on them for their own safety. Kids these days have so much more technology to play with. There are IPads, smartphones, laptops and tablets in most households. And then there’s also access to social media which opens up a whole new world of problems.  In a situation like this, parents have a responsibility to keep track of their children and ensure they are not being lured into dangerous situations. With technology becoming increasingly fast especially with the advent of 5G, there will be greater opportunities but also more issues of cybersecurity as you can read here. Keeping all this in mind, here are a few top apps for your child you could use to ensure protection of your loved ones.  


mSpy is very popular in the monitoring app business and it boasts of having over one million users because of its ease of us.All you need to do is install the mSpy app on your child’s phone, then activate it with the license code you have. You’re done! Now you can monitor the phone’s activities through their online portal. You now get access to Whatsapp messages, SMS, browsing history, location and social media. It allows you to block certain harmful sites and incoming calls. 



SpyBubble is only available for android phones and is again very simple to install on the target phone. After installation, you have to log onto their portal and you can start monitoring the phone. The app allows you track the phone and see where your child is going or has been. It also records incoming and outgoing phone calls which you can listen to as well as gives you a record of all text messages including the ones that have been deleted. You can even monitor social media usage of your child with this app. At $19.99 a month, this app is probably one of the most affordable spy apps in the market. 


Highster Mobile Spy is another spy app built specifically for android phones. Like the apps listed above, it allows you to track your target (your child in this case). It may sound a bit creepy but do remember that it is absolutely legal for a parent to do this as has been discussed in this article here. Highster also allows parents to control their child’s phone usage and they can even see live screenshots of the phone. Parents can specify an area on the map so that they get an alert if their child travels outside of this demarcation. In case of an emergency, you also have the power to wipe out all data from the phone. At $69.99 a month, the app is not cheap. 

There are many more similar apps in the market that can be used to track your child’s activities. Almost all of them require you to first have access to the phone to install the app. It’s not possible to install these remotely. 


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