How to Cram a Test the Proper Way

Cram a Test the Proper

Imagine you’re in the middle of the last week of your exam preparation and trying to maximize your study time. But you don’t seem to get some of your study concepts right. More often than not, cramming isn’t the most efficient way to study. 

However, even the best students have to hustle in the last weeks of the semester to prepare for exams. There’s a way students can cram for a test, but the right way. So, before you start studying, this post will help you make cramming easier and more relaxed.

Get Your Materials Together

Start by double-checking that you have all your notes and textbooks with you to cram your test. Although you may have good notes, having your books handy is always better. Furthermore, you can include online study platforms that provide the best study documents

Therefore, you won’t have to start your research from scratch. Don’t forget to bring a pencil or pen, a notebook or legal pad, and anything else you might need. Remember to keep it simple — paper and pen are often all you need to cram for an exam. All these will help enhance your cramming sessions. 

Turn Off Social Media

It is essential to turn off all social media when you are cramming for an exam. Social media can distract you and make it challenging to concentrate on your studies. It is like electronic ADHD (a problem that affects your attention), which can ruin your cramming session. 

Remember, checking social media won’t help you improve your grades. So, resist the urge to check your Facebook, Twitter, or other social media platforms while cramming for exams. Focus on your studies instead.

Turn On Your Timer

Finding a good study rhythm when cramming for a test is essential. Studying for hours on end without breaks will probably lead to burnout and poor performance on the exam. Instead, try a 50/10 split: study for 50 minutes and take a 10-minute break to do something else. 

Use this time to exercise, listen to music, or take a moment to relax. Setting a timer can help you stick to this schedule and stay focused.

Focus Only On the Main Concepts and Details

When cramming for your exam, it’s crucial to prioritize the information that’s most likely to appear on the test. Don’t waste time on minor details that won’t help you achieve a passing grade. 

Instead, concentrate on the key concepts and critical details, such as headings, dates, equations, vocabulary words, and explanations of significant ideas. By filtering out extraneous information, you’ll save time and prepare better for the exam.

Involve All Your Senses

When reading through big ideas, try talking them out loud to yourself and explaining to them as if you were teaching someone else. Use hand motions and even pacing if it helps you concentrate. 

Don’t be afraid to add a bit of humor or accents to emphasize important points. The more you involve your senses and emotions, the more likely you will remember the material.

Create a Study Schedule

When you’re cramming for your exam, making the most of your time is essential. Create a schedule that will allow you to study for each exam systematically. Determine how much time you have before each exam and divide that time up into manageable study blocks. 

Be sure to prioritize the exams that are coming up sooner. Remember to stick to your schedule as much as possible, but also be flexible and adjust it as needed. Having a plan will help you feel more in control and reduce stress.

Examine Your Materials

When you don’t have access to your textbook, gather all your relevant notes, quizzes, and assignments for your upcoming test. Your documents may contain valuable information, and your teacher’s quizzes and assignments often have questions that will appear on the test. 

Read every page, like a study guide or textbook chapter, paying attention to essential terms and concepts. Consider adding mnemonic devices to help you memorize as much content as possible.

Don’t Skip Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for exam success. While studying is essential, sacrificing sleep for extra cramming time can be counterproductive. Sleep deprivation can negatively impact your cognitive abilities and hinder your performance on the exam. 

It’s important to prioritize sleep and ensure you get a good night’s rest before the test. Avoid consuming caffeine before bedtime and limit daytime naps to 30 minutes. Also, consider turning off your electronic devices to avoid any distractions that could keep you up.

Quiz Yourself

Getting enough sleep is crucial for succeeding in exams. Although studying is essential, sacrificing sleep for extra cramming time can be counterproductive. Sleep deprivation can negatively impact your cognitive abilities and hinder your performance on the exam. 

Therefore, it’s important to prioritize sleep and ensure you get a good night’s rest before the test. Avoid consuming caffeine before bedtime and limit daytime naps to 30 minutes. Moreover, consider turning off your electronic devices to avoid distractions that disrupt your sleep.


Cramming for a test always has bad talk from experts and teachers. However, you can use it to your advantage by following the above tips. Remember to include all your study documents to enhance your retention.


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